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I think there’s a lot of really cool nuanced placed to go with that question. A lot of room for me to paint a very vivid picture of a fantasy land, and the stories its four shores frame. But, at the end of the day, Elsewhere is a representation of our disassociation from reality —in any capacity, whether it is a lack of focus (that feeling of floating in the ether, without purpose), the ignorance of our own hubris (wanting to be right/be heard so bad that we make it our entire reality), or just plain the things we don’t understand.
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*Click the TV to watch the full film!
A young woman of her early twenties finds herself out of place in her current generation. When gifted a magic tv remote, she finds the very fabric of time and space at the flip of a switch...
Take a look behind the scenes of "Old Soul" with April Sakell, as she recounts how we aged her up to her seventies!
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